

Friday, September 17, 2010

Alot Like David

Through streaming tears I watched my son get poked three different times today trying to draw blood from his tiny arm. It is moments like these where I am the weakest. Why would God let something like this happen? Owen is so precious and innocent, and I would take his place in a heartbeat.

David, the author of Psalm 13 speaks right to my heart when he writes:

 1 How long, O LORD ? Will you forget me forever?
       How long will you hide your face from me?

 2 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
       and every day have sorrow in my heart?
       How long will my enemy triumph over me?

 3 Look on me and answer, O LORD my God.
       Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death;

 4 my enemy will say, "I have overcome him,"
       and my foes will rejoice when I fall.

Has the Lord forgotten me? Why hasn't he healed Owen? I so believed Owen wouldn't need dialysis or a kidney transplant. Did he forget me? Has He even been listening this whole time?

BUT- David again speaks to me at the END of Psalm 13 when he writes:

5 But I trust in your unfailing love;
       my heart rejoices in your salvation.

 6 I will sing to the LORD,
       for he has been good to me.

God is good, and He is listening. His love never ends and He is pouring it over Owen. He has blessed me with the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. It is in Owen's eyes that I see the face of Jesus, shining brightly. He hasn't forgotten me, and somehow He loves Owen even more than I do.

In the end, I don't know how long this suffering will last. I don't know if God plans to intervene and heal his kidneys before a transplant is needed. What I do know is that God is here. His presence is so thick around Owen's bed. He has blessed every day, every moment I have with my son. It is in Him where I find comfort and rest. He sustains me and protects Owen. Overall, God remains. No matter what, He is here. And His plan is far greater than mine.

Our time of suffering has been blessed by hearing from others how they have seen God through Owen's story. This is our hope and goal that through this, you don't see us, but you see the glory of the Lord shining through Owen's story. God is good among all, and though Owen would never deserve anything like this, the Lord reigns above us and Owen is preaching the Lord's mighty power and HE will be praised through this time.

When strength has failed, and feet, no longer weary,
On happy errands may no longer go,
Why should I sigh or let the days be dreary?
Lord, YOU REMAIN HERE! Could you more bestow?
-J. Danson Smith

I know that I must remain strong for Owen. He needs me to be by his side, holding him each day and loving him more and more. We both, however need the Lord so much more. Thank you all so much for your consistent prayers and devotion to interceding for Owen. Although the future is uncertain, I am certain of this: the Glory of the Lord will be revealed through Owen's story!

Owen is getting so big! He is much more alert and awake for longer periods of time. Just a precious little angel!


  1. Bless you, sweet Tyler, Michael, & Owen. Continue to focus on the Truth as you deal with the facts. Truth always prevails!

  2. Tyler, this made me teary-eyed. I am so unbelievably amazed by your strength. I have never known anyone to be so sure of something as you are sure of God and his love. I wish I had 1/10 the strength, knowledge, and faith you and Michael have. Bless Owen's heart--so many are thinking of him.

  3. I posted this on my FB the other day after hearing of so many sufferings and trials among friends and thought it was so good.
    "The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you".
    You're strong in Christ by his grace! You know there are so many folks praying for your both.

  4. Tyler,
    God is doing so much work in Owen's life and those we don't know as well. Your faith is a testimony to me and others.. Remain in him and he will remain in you.. I thank God every day for you,Michael and precious Owen..

